Color My life with the Chaos of Trouble

Friday, 30 December 2011

أسماء : البعد الأخر

أول مرة أعيط بجد في فيلم عربي 
 بعد مشاهدة الفيلم أخيراً , قررت اني لازم أكتب تاني عنه بالرغم ان دي ممكن تكون مقاله مش مترتبة بس مقالة أنا محتاجة أكتبها لفيلم ببساطة عظيم . أولاً نوع  مختلف علي السينما المصرية الحالية  , الفيلم اللي بيناقش مشكلة مجتمع بأكمله من خلال حالة واحدة . عمرو سلامة يسترجع أيام عاطف الطيب في فيلم ضد الحكومة , أكيد مع الأختلاف أكيد لأن عمرو  بوهيمي أكتر في طريقة تصوير الفيلم و مودرن أكتر في طريقة تفكيره 
كلمة أيدز دي كفاية في مجتمع زي  المجتمع المصري , انها تثبت أنه جريء 
أولاً الفيلم واقعي للغاية . الطبقة اللي أسماء منها اللي هما عمال النظافة اللي عايشين في أماكن عشوائية و بيركبو الأتوبيس كل يوم , هي الأغلبية المصرية , اللي معظمهم جايين من الأقاليم يلقطو رزقهم . الفيلم بيعرض حالة الطبقة دي , ازاي الجار الراجل أو صاحب البيت ممكن يتدخل في مواعيد بنت الساكنة اللي هي أصلاً في ثانوي و محجبة , أزاي الست البسيطة اللي عندها 45 سنة كل أملها في العالم أنها تجوز بنتها و تستَرها . 
  الجدير بالزكر إن هند طالعة من غير ميك أب وكانت حامل في أثناء تصوير الفيلم بالتالي وزنها زايد حبة ولابسة جوانتي وخمار
 اتعودنا على الممثلات العرب يكونو حاطين ميك أب حتى بعد مشهاد الولادة والمطرة الموضوع ده إدها مصداقية يعني مفيش زيها حتى طريقة كلامها 

المشهد العجيب بتاع المطار لما كانت واخدة مسافرة من أيدها رايحة تحج و متأخرة علي الطيارة و كانو بيجرو , مش عارفة لية بس أنا أول مرة أكون مبتسمة و بعيط . أزاي الست دي بسيطة و طيبة كدة مع أن المسافرة دي متعرفهاش بس بتعمل كدة معاها , بالرغم أن المسافرة دي لو عرفت اللي عند أسماء ممكن تلعنها في كل سما .
و لأن أسماء عايشة لغيرها .. التعادل في الشخصيات خلي ماجد الكدواني الشخص المادي الرأس مالي المثالي 
مذيع مشهور عنده برنامج مصر كلها بتتفرج علية زي عمرو أديب كدة صوته عالي بيخبط في الناس و بروباجندة للشهرة .. " كلنا علينا أقساط يا برنس " بتوضح أنه ممكن يتلون علي أي لون لو ده هيصرف علي بيته و مستلزمات بيته الفارهه ...
الاعلامي المستفذ .حاجة أسماء للفلوس عشان المرارة اللي الدكاترة مش راضيين يعالجوهالها عشان عنده الايدز بتعرضها أنها تقبل العرض بتاع معدة برنامج ماجد الكدواني , المعدة بتزور ال support group عشان عايزة حد يطلع في البرنامج بوشه 
السؤال لأخر الفيلم هي هتطلع بوشها ولا لاء . خاصاً أن محدش يعرف عن الفيروس غير ال support group و أبوها .. أنا مش عارفة أسم الممثل ده للأسف بس دي أحسن علاقة أب ببنته شفتها في فيلم عربي .. من أول ما كانت فلاحة صغيرة متمردة علي التقاليد و بتبيع سجاد ... لحد مابقيت ست في ورطة و هو الوحيد اللي عارف اللي هي فيه و هو الوحيد اللي عارف السر اللي هي أؤتمنت عليه .. أزاي جالها الفيروس ؟ 
في حاجات مش عارفة أكتبها كتير عشان مش عاوزة أحرق الفيلم بس عجبني أوي أنتقاد الدكتور " اللي مش بيسلم علي الستات " لكن هيسلم عليها عشان لابسة جوانتي .. و بالرغم من هذا لازم يعرف الفيروس جالها أزاي عشان يعالجها .. رافضة تكدب علي المجتمع كله بالتالي المجتمع رافضها .. الفيلم مش بيتكلم عن واحدة عندا الأيدز بس  الفيلم بيحكي أن أي حد في مجتمعنا مختلف و مش كداب هيترفض و يتلعن و يتحط علية مليون label and stereotype 
 احنا زائين بعض 100 سنة ورا، أيوا مفيش حاجة اسمها الناس والكلام ده مفيش حاجة اسمها خايف من الناس أو الناس زئإني ورا ، أنا ناس وإنت ناس وهي ناس وكلنا ناس احنا خايفين من نفسنا زي أسماء مجرد انها مختلفة خايفة حتى من بنتها وفالأخر الخوف بيزول عشان بتبطل تخاف من نفسها .. انت مش بتتعاطف مع أسماء أنت بتحس أنك أنت أسماء , كل واحد فينا عنده سر أو مشكلة أو اختلاف خايف يقولو للناس حتي لو مسبب مشاكل مهما كانت طبقتك أنت خايف علي سمعتك .. كلنا زي بعض كلنا مختلفين .. كلنا أسماء حسني 
أنزلو من بيوتكم و روحو شوفو الفيلم بجد هيفرق معاكم 

تحريراً في
القاهرة 30 ديسمبر الساعة قربت تبقي 5 بعد الضهر 

Sunday, 11 December 2011

The basic philosophy, spirit and drive of an organization have far
more to do with its relative achievement than do technology or economic
resources, organizational structure, innovation and timing.

-Thomas J. Watson

with the background of : Wala3t Keteer - Salma 
you should listen too 

Monday, 20 June 2011

#EndSH day

This is my expeirence with sexual harassament - i am only posting the unique ones - i get harassad daily

a couple of days ago - i pulled over an all nighter my hair is in a bun and i am wearing baggy clothes because of my exams the bus drives me to my street and i have to walk a distance across the street a really nice volks wagen driving and i noticed the driver is slowing down , he is an old dude late 40's or early 50's and i live beside a school so probably he's picking up his kids or something he compeletly stops just to tell me how good my boobs look in a comepletly insulting way , what i did ? nothing i was shocked that he is old enough to be my father and still is doing so . i wished i was strong enough to pick up something from the street and flat his tire or bust his windows, however i didn't.

a year ago i was in a public bus and a guy who was standing beside me kept discribing to me what would he do to me if i slept with him i was looking away and i cried the peopel heard what he was saying and the only thing another guy said was lower your voice maybe the driver will hear you - i looked at him and i thought if i screamed or anthing he will call me crazy and i have no money to go down from the bus also no one will do anything to him  plus he is stronger than me maybe he will beat me or touch me . oh god forbid the idea that this creep will touch me . i wished i had a spary to apply it to him when i am leaving, however i didn't.

about a year and a half ago i was in mekkah with my dad and his wife doing umrah. in umrah i didn't wear black abbayah like the rest i wore an esdal with removeable head cover and i applied a pandana on my head. i also wore leg warmer so my legs won't show. i went alone to fill a bottle with zamzam water when i guy came beside me and started  talking to me . i didn't talk back when he asked me where are you from
and i was like i am from egypt so he got friendly as if egypt is a hot ticket for him. he tried to touch me and asked me when is he going to see me again so we can be alone. i turned around and said my dad is here and if he heard you; you'll go to jail today. honestly i scared they would say it's because you're not wearing black like everybody else or because your neck is apearing or because you talked to him. i wish i was brave enough to scream and gather people or i had faith in people's minds,however i didn't.

2 years ago i was walking in ta7reer street in dokki from oprah . i had a date with my boyfriend back then. while i was walking calmly and i did nothing to anyone i was dressed ordinary. when a man who was walking across me slowed down and unzipped his pants he decided to show me his dick . i was shocked that he would do that in the middle of the day in the middle of the street . i speed walked so i can see less of him . when i meet my boyfriend; he noticed i was shocked and sad he kept asking what's wrong with me when i told him he got mad so he asked me why didn't you call me. okay let's say i called him . he would have never made it on time and the guy is not going to wait for him also when the guy sees someone with me he will zip up his pants. i wish i had my boyfriend with me or i had an electric shock so i can paralyize the guy's dick with it, however i didn't.

4 years ago i used to live in haram. in our street there was an institue and my uncle used to live in front of it so i used to feel afe because everytime i pass my cousins will be there and nothing bad will happen to me because they will help me. however there was this day where my cousins were not there and a i was walking in the middle of the day when around 5 guy surronded me and started laughing and telling me to come with them and threatning me. i looked at the ground and thought to myself that i will die today in the middle of the street in front of everybody i was so scared they 5, they are stronger than me and no one will ever help me. this time a brave secuirty gard came and beat them with his stick and he walked me home. i wish i was strong enough or i had something that i beat them with, however i didn't.

I wish i did everytime i didn't.

a girl starts to expirence sexual harrasment as soon as she grow a pair of boobs. i can go on and on about the metro harassament where you can't tell them anything cause they would talk back and you're never as rude as them . i also can go on and on about police men who harasse you when going to your home late or even in the middle of the day. i can go on and on about downtown vendors and about any pig who harasse you or shuts up when he sees you harassed. however instead i will ask to stop objectfying women. even my mom a 49 year old woman is being harassad in the street.

Written while listening to : Aziz Maraka - Ma bagolek Assef
You should listen too :

Cairo, June 20th 2011 #EndSH day
07:02 PM

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Twitter and Google Chrome in 1941

أنك سوف تلاحظ الفرق في حياتك عند استخدامك لتويتر  

حمّل المتصفح الأصلي لشركة جوجل الأن و سوف تشعر بالفرق 

This is Copy righted =)
The Designer is Omar Ali (signs as LEO)
PS you should hire him because he is brilliant

Written while listening to : Mohamed Mounir - Eddaya fe geyouby
You should listen too :

Cairo, 04:16 PM
June 11th 2011 

Friday, 10 June 2011

عن حب البعض مع جبران

البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم  فهم في البعد أحلى وهم في البعد أرقى  وهم في البعد أغلى والبعض نحبهم ونسعى كي نقترب منهم ونتقاسم تفاصيل الحياة معهم
ويؤلمنا الابتعاد عنهم ويصعب علينا تصور الحياة حين تخلو منهم
 والبعض نحبهم ونتمنى أن نعيش حكاية جميله معهم ونفتعل الصدف لكي نلتقي بهم ونختلق الأسباب كي نراهم ونعيش في الخيال أكثر من الواقع معهم والبعض نحبهم لكن بيننا وبين أنفسنا فقط فنصمت برغم الم الصمت فلا نجاهر بحبهم حتى لهم لان العوائق كثيرة والعواقب مخيفه ومن الأفضل لنا ولهم أن تبقى الأبواب بيننا وبينهم مغلقه
والبعض نحبهم فنملأ الأرض بحبهم ونحدث الدنيا عنهم ونثرثر بهم في كل الأوقات
ونحتاج إلى وجودهم كالماء والهواء ونختنق في غيابهم أو الابتعاد عنهم
والبعض نحبهم لأننا لا نجد سواهم وحاجتنا إلى الحب تدفعنا نحوهم فالأيام تمضي والعمر ينقضي والزمن لا يقف ويرعبنا بأن نبقى بلا رفيق
 والبعض نحبهم لان مثلهم لا يستحق سوى الحب ولا نملك أمامهم سوى أن نحب فنتعلم منهم أشياء جميله ونرمم معهم أشياء كثيرة ونعيد طلاء الحياة من جديد ونسعى صادقين كي نمنحهم بعض السعادة
والبعض نحبهم لكننا لا نجد صدى لهذا الحب في قلوبهــم فننهار و ننكسر و نتخبط في حكايات فاشلة فلا نكرههم ولا ننساهم ولا نحب سواهم ونعود نبكيهم بعد كل محاوله فاشلة
والبعض نحبهم ويبقى فقط أن يحبوننا مثلما نحبهم

جبران خليل جبران

Written while listening to : Fayrouz - Ya Laily
You should Listen too :

Cairo, June 11th 2011 
03:45 AM

Thursday, 9 June 2011

أولي التجارب مع جبران خليل جبران

لا تجالس أنصاف العشاقولا تصادق أنصاف الأصدقاء لا تقرأ لأنصاف الموهوب لا تعش نصف حياة ولا
 تمت نصف موت لا تختر نصف حل ولا تقف في منتصف الحقيقة لا تحلم نصف حلم ولا تتعلق بنصف أمل إذا صمتّ  فاصمت حتى النهاية وإذا تكلمت  فتكلّم حتى النهاية لا تصمت كي تتكلم ولا تتكلم كي تصمت إذا رضيت فعبّر عن رضاك لا تصطنع نصف رضا وإذا رفضت فعبّر عن رف لأن نصف الرفض قبول النصف هو حياة لم تعشها وهو كلمة لم تقلها وهو ابتسامة أجّلتها وهو حب لم تصل إليه وهو صداقة لم تعرفها النصف هو ما يجعلك غريباً عن أقرب الناس إليك وهو ما يجعل أقرب الناس إليك غرباء عنك النصف هو أن تصل وأن لاتصل أن تعمل وأن لا تعمل أن تغيب وأن تحضر النصف هو أنت عندما لا تكون أنت لأنك لم تعرف من أنت النصف هو أن لا تعرف من أنت 
ومن تحب ليس نصفك الآخر هو أنت في مكان آخر في الوقت نفسه نصف شربة لن تروي ظمأك ونصف وجبة لن تشبع جوعك نصف طريق لن يوصلك إلى أي مكان ونصف فكرة لن تعطي لك نتيجة النصف هو لحظة عجزك وأنت لست بعاجز لأنك لست نصف إنسان أنت إنسان وجدت كي تعيش الحياة
وليس كي تعيش نصف حياة ليست حقيقة الإنسان بما يظهره لك بل بما لا يستطيع أن يظهره لذلك إذا أردت أن تعرفه فلا تصغي إلى ما يقوله بل إلى ما لا يقوله

Written While Listening to :  Um Kalthum  &  Omar Khairat - Enta Umri
You should listen too:

Cairo, June 10th 2011 
02:17 AM

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

What to Carry on the Road

Copied from the amazing Coach Surfing by Jerome Luepkes is a Berlin-based business consultant and travel writer

For most people, travel is about seeing new places, experiencing new things and meeting new people. Apart from the fact that travel can take time and cost money, there is also a small matter of what to take with you when you set out on your next expedition.

I believe that travellers can improve their overall experience by simply learning what to do without, and only taking those things which are essential for a safe and healthy trip.

Here's a list of the top 10 things to take on the road:

1. Money belt – This is the single most useful travel accessory that I’ve ever come across in all my travels. A small, robust pouch is all you need to hide your passport, credit card and large money bills in an easily concealed format that fits snugly around your waist at all times. No more worries about not having enough money on you, being able to show your ID, or having your valuables nicked from your back pocket while you’re sloughed over a bar or in the back of a bumpy taxi to who knows where.

2. Day wallet – It’s already pretty obvious that the most important part of travel is to always have your most valuable possessions – ie. currency and identification – completely secure at all times. Item number two on this list is complementary to the money belt – a simple day wallet of the kind that holds a few notes and a bunch of loose change, preferably attachable to your person by some sort of chain or hiking clip.

3. Toiletries bag – This item could be a top ten list in its own right, since it should contain everything from your toothbrush to spare contraceptives, all in generous quantities. Bring a collection of pills, tablets, ointments, etc, to deal with a plethora of ailments such as diarrhoea, muscle cramps, menstruation, bites, allergies, or hangovers.

4. Combination lock and wire – This is an indispensable little gadget and especially useful when combined with an accompanying security wire or chain. This way, you can not only lock your belongings in a hostel locker, but you can also secure your stuff in a place where no lockers are to be found; for example, to a metal bed-frame or towel rack.

5. Laminated passport copy –  This item may seem like a surprise to some, but it can be astoundingly useful. A crisp, laminated copy of your main passport page is a great way to satisfy all those who might want to see your details during your travels. Ideally, the laminated passport copy includes a copy of the entry stamp for your current country on the back.

6. Compass – Yeah, I know, nobody wants to look like a complete geek, wandering around with a compass and map in their hands. Buy one anyway. Not all cities in the world come equipped with clear street maps with dots on them saying “You Are Here”.

7. Alarm clock – Some travellers may take a mobile phone or iPod with them which has an alarm included. For the rest, it’s probably a good idea to take one of these.

8. Zip-lock bags / Tupperware – This is one of the rare things that I organize before embarking on my travels. I keep my small laptop in a sturdy, water-proof Tupperware container and most of my other things in thick zip-lock freezer bags. That way it doesn’t matter what type of weather conditions I encounter (not to mention the ever-present problem of sweating); my stuff will always be dry. In fact, on any given day, I would be able to throw my entire pack into the next available swimming pool and not worry in the slightest that anything of value would get soaked. Try it yourself and see what happens.

9. Water bottle – This is an important weapon in the keep-your-stomach-happy arsenal. I always find that if you look after your stomach, then the rest of your body will look after you. When you’re on the road, don’t eat too much junk, always have plenty of fruit and vegetables, and a constant supply of clean water.

10. Flashlight – God knows, there are enough idiots on the road that feel that it’s perfectly appropriate to barge into a crowded hostel dorm at three in the morning, turn on all the lights and make a huge, drunken fuss as they try to find their stuff, but you don’t have to be one of them. Flashlights come in all shapes and sizes, and generally speaking, the smaller and lighter (no pun intended) the better.

Remember: when traveling long distances, “you are what you carry”.

Written While Listening to :Denis The Menace- Sunshine in my heart
You should listen too:

Cairo , June 7th 2011
05:47 PM

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

beyond the lies of success

One more reason to Love Friedrich Nietche is his quote Success has always been a great liar.
this quote made me think especially that i have tasted the peak of success and the low of failure. the first thing that came to my mind the name of a paulo coelho book which is the winner stands alone. when aiming to succeed you aim to be happy . for me i always imagine life as a better place if i succeeded. ill look thinner, ill dress more stylish , people will like me, ill inspire people and most importantly i will be someone who i can look up to. these are the things that will lead to happiness. mostly you work so hard, you ignore other things in your life and you find yourself only working for success. let's not get into the whole balance thing. cause happiness is what you want you have to give it all what you got. success tastes good and you are craving it. enemies of success are to be ignored or maybe go with the strategy of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. the whole point is success is always blinding where you are pusiting it you never think back. let's face the truth b2a. no success doesn't mean happiness. no you will not look better, feel better about yourself or gain the people true love with only success. you might gain the people attention and they might come around you to befriend you. however this is not love. Success is just success, excelling in a certain field and whoever does it should be proud of it . that's it nothing more nothing less . Most probably if you succeed some people will be jealous and start trying to destroy you and your success. these people are blinded by success as well, they can't accept that they can see happiness in other people's life when they can't have it. This race for happiness is what the race for number one is all about. nothing personal is one of the biggest lies ever, it's always personal if it's about me it's personal. you want to win. you hate to lose. but remember the winner is on top and on top there is no room for everybody, maybe even for you, ya3ni not only you will win alone you will also have to scarifies things and people on your way to be there. always be nice to people on your way up cause most probably you will meet them on your way down, and YES you will go down eventually. you succeed it's good. when you fail don't kill yourself cause probably this is better for your learning about yourself and people around you. when i was at the peak of my success problems faced were never a cause of sadness, challenges always keep me alive. however there was this thing where why am i not the person i imagine i would've been? i am successful but i don't look successful i am not happy. then i started doubting myself as usually it's my perception of myself is wrong, at first i tries to put the image of the successful person and smile pretending to be happy but soon i woke up from the drug of success and i realized i am not happy because i am not accepting who i am even when i am succeeding i am still doubting myself not success. yeah sure we are always oaky with who we are but think about it if you are okay with yourself why are you not happy. Accepting that you can fail and still be happy is the best thing you can do for yourself. This means that you are accepting yourself doesn't mean you shouldn't evolve. No you should always be the version of yourself that is making you happy and comfortable. you will not become someone else just an evolved version of you after learning and experience. if you are looking for happiness look for acceptance and don't let success convince you with it's lies.

Written while listening to : Mashrou' Leila - Raksit Leila
You should listen too :

03:35 AM , June 1st 2011

I believe I can believe (1)

I am struggling with my beliefs.I need to read and all. for me it's also important to think and interpret the things i see in a simple way or a complicated way , at the end it ha to be my way , because i am the one who will believe in anything at the end. Let's start with the first thing written in my birth certificate "Mulism". Islam without ay social pressure or miss interpretations is basically an abraham religion just like Judaism and Christianity. a religion that is based on the belief that god created the world. human are subjected to the choice between good and bad, and according to your choice you end up in a good or a bad place. therefore human adopts a certain lifestyle consisting of behaviors that are good aiming at the happy ending which is heaven. this lifestyle is is drawn by the religion itself through the channels of communication between god and human.
these channels of communication is the holy book and the profit sent. strictly professional you have a guy who works as a profit (means of communications between god and human). holy book is in look of verses of poetry like writings. the holy book talks about the rules of this lifestyle desired for human beings. the miracle believed to be in the book is how much it goes through deeply into details about human nature and miscellaneous  topics about variety of topics relating to life from physics and geology till biology and history. the rules are clear, and concludes allot of details how can it be applied. the help of the profit talks is to make sure people are understanding how important the rule application is. spirituality is something added to every religion. it's always better to be selfless , think of others, be merciful and generous , loving people and giving them. when you are selfless you are dedicating your life to helping others air go to god and to heaven. so this is how i perceive Islam or any abraham religion that is.
Therefore business wise the main marketing message in here is the belief of the customer in god. the concept of belief is based on the brand promise. there is one question: who created god? even if it's answered who created the main creator. till now i haven't found a concrete answer to this question.
this is totally subjected to arguments and feedbacks and everything. i am looking forward allot of interesting conversations to this series
و للحديث بقية
Written while listening to : Gamalat Shee7a & Fat7y Salama - Rasseny 
You should listen too :

Cairo, 02:52 am 
June 1st 2011

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

العلمانيون VS الشعب

احنا بلد كيوت أوي  , الاخوان دول أكتر ناس حبوبين في الدنيا يعني من كتر ما هما حبوبين و صادقين و في نفس الوقت أزكياء , عرفو يعملو مقارنة جبارة بهرت الجميع و عرفتنا أد اية الناس العلمانين دول أشرار و مش من الشعب أصلا دول غزو فضائي يا راجل
Written while listening to : Kanye West - Love Lock Down
You should listen too :

08:43 am
Cairo May 25th 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011

Johnny Depp

isn't he amazing . i never knew the guy but look at him doesn't he want you to have faith again in male species
give them another chance to fit your life and take it back to insanity by on of them
you don;t actually know the guy however he fits the fantasy with a guy who can go from an insane lover who tattoos your name on his body to a responsible man who adopts a kid with you 

written while listening to Kazamada - Mish Mohem 
you should listen too:

Cairo 04:27 am May 24th 2011